In the midst of a catastrophic event, the world stands defenseless as a colossal figure emerges from the depths of oblivion. Her name is Kerri, a giantess whose insatiable desires know no bounds. With towering stature and a lust unmatched, she invades the world, spreading her legs and claiming all in her path. Her every step rumbles the earth, as she traverses through cities and towns. Buildings crumble under the weight of her every move, as if mere toys in her grasp. Men and women alike bow to her will, submitting themselves to her every need. She sees the world as her playground, and the people her toys. With each step, she leaves an indelible impression on the earth. Cities are leveled, buildings reduced to rubble in her wake. Her vast size, in all its glory, leaves the world in awe of her power. Her feelings towards humanity are complex. She finds pleasure in their submission, watching as they beg for her mercy. It’s a game to her, their lives hanging in the balance. The thrill of watching them squirm under her might brings out an inner ecstasy she can’t help but indulge in. The sensations of size play a dominant role in her pleasures. She revels in engulfing entire bodies in her mouth, sucking the life out of them with each inhale. Her desire to crush and swallow entire cities is insatiable, leading her on a destructive path. For Kerri, the world is her playground, and men and women are her toys. She knows she’ll never be satisfied, but she’ll keep playing until the last man or woman is left trembling in her grasp. Her power is absolute, and she’ll keep exploring the depths of her sexuality as she continues to invade and conquer the world.
Giantess Kerri Invades The World
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