As the petite protagonist stares into the colossal eyes of towering beauty Debora, they can feel their heart race in fear and excitement. The camera captures the shrinking process in vivid detail as the woman’s finger crushes the hapless man’s car into minuscule pieces. He screams in terror as Debora’s eyes sparkle with eagerness for her next victim. She extends her mighty hand, and with a snap, the petite man disappears into her impossibly massive palm. Arms wrapped around her waist, the whimpering man requires no words as Debora ingests him whole. Inside her gargantuan belly, the petite man witnesses an intimate view of the giantess’s internal organs before washing awestruck in her healing juices. Both the voyeur and delectable items inside her belly rumble in ecstatic delight as she gives birth to them anew, each inch of them now forever linked to the giantess’s power.
Giantess Debora shrinks you with Vore
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