In a world ravaged by superheroes, a villainess rises to challenge their dominance. Giantess Vixen Lamora, now known as the Super Villain, plots her revenge against the tiny hero who once thwarted her plans. With a single flick of her wrist, the hero is engulfed in a sea of molten steel, as Lamora flexes her powers and revels in her victory over her foe. The titaness towers over the crumpled hero, relishing in her newfound power as she prepares to deliver the final blow. Her massive foot descends upon her prey, crushing it beneath her heel and leaving only a tiny smear on the ground. The people of this city will know who truly is the ruler here, as Lamora takes her place as the new supervillain, ready to crush any foolish enough to cross her path.
Giantess Vixen Lamora Is A Super villan and ends Tiny Hero
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