
In this kinky porn video, a magnificent Antihell Goddess towers over a supplicant mortal, ready to indulge her insatiable desires. She orders him to spread his legs, and he obeys, instinctively knowing that this is not a command to be ignored. With her hands, the goddess pries open his mouth, pressing her giant tongue into his throat. The mortal’s limbs writhe in response as she forces her way into his body, filling him with her saliva and the overpowering taste of her innermost essence. As she continues her probing, a void begins to form within the mortal’s abdomen. He groans and writhes as the void grows, engulfing his insides. In awe, he beholds the goddess’s immense vore abilities as his body and clothing become reduced to mere fragments, to be ingested by the goddess and her giant tongue. The mortal’s screams of agony are soon replaced by cries of ecstasy, as the goddess’s tongue traverses deeper and deeper into his body, devouring him whole. In a violent and unpredictable sequence of events, the mortal’s remnants become one with the goddess’s infinite dimensional mouth. She relishes every morsel, savoring the flavors if his essence. In the end, the mortal’s lifeless body remains suspended within the goddess’s mouth, a blurred outline in her dimension-defying vortex. The goddess pours her tongue back into her mouth, a beam of pure energy that envelops the mortal’s remains before coursing back into her body. The vore is complete, leaving the goddess fully-satisfied and sated, her powers over her celestial respectively amplified.

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